• March 26, 2025


Aviva Interview



Aviva Farber

Picture copyright respected holders.

Interview With Aviva By Chris

Aviva is one great actress in the making.
After stumbling across her IMDB page and
looking at her filmography.
I knew I had to help exposure this talent.
Plus she has the coolest taste in music and movies
She is one cool friendly person
So here is our interview with Aviva Farber.

The Recent Interview with her

1. What made you want to be an actress?

I grew up in a family that encouraged art in every shape,
way, and form. I always knew I was going to be an artist
and I love performing.

2. Who were your idols growing up?

My grandparents.

3. Would you go overseas for a role in a film?

Getting paid to act and travel overseas-are you kidding? I
would love to.

4. What was it like working on Down in the Valley (when
it’s going to be released)?

It was amazing working on “Down in the Valley”. Edward
Norton and Evan Rachel Wood are two of my favourite actors.
Half the time I couldn’t believe I was sitting right next
to them. They were both really cool. While we were filming
Ed stayed focused but once they got the shot we were all
joking around, telling stories, talking about music, etc.
David Jacobson is a great Writer/Director. This script is
so unique and unpredictable…I can’t wait to see it on the
big screen. According to IMDB it’s coming out Dec.

5. If you could work with any body who would it

There are so many, just to name a few…I would love to
work with Tim Burton, The Coen Brothers, Gus Van Sant, Wes
Anderson, Todd Solondz, Martin Scorsese, Clint Eastwood,
Robert Redford, Brian Singer, Oliver Stone, Jean-Pierre

6. What have been some of your favourite roles to

In “Down in the Valley” I play Sherri- your typical
rebellious teenager. I’m always smoking a joint and saying
some wise-ass remark. But my favorite role to date is
Caroline in the dark comedy feature “Forgiving the
Franklins”. Caroline is a close-minded southern cheerleader
who has a problem with swearing, hates her family, and is
always having hilarious one sided conversations with God.
Needless to say, this was a bit more of a stretch for

7. What are some of your favourite movies?

I have an eclectic taste…Silence of the Lambs, The
Labyrinth, Milagro Beanfield War, Shawshank Redemption, To
Die For, Amelie, The Professional, Happiness, Raising
Arizona, Return of the Living Dead, any of Buster Keaton’s

8. What movies you have seen lately you have really

Being There. It’s an older movie but I just saw it- SO

9. Who have you enjoyed working with?

James Karen, Alba Francesca, Ruth Manning, Zelda
Rubenstein, Edward Norton, Evan Rachel Wood, David
Jacobson, Jay Floyd…everyone I’ve ever worked with

10. What kinda role would you most like to

I would love to play some kind of powerful magical being
e.g. Cate Blanchett in Lord of the Rings

11. What are your thoughts on studio remaking

Go ahead if you dare, it’s so rare they actually succeed in
making a better film. I think there are so many untold
stories out there. I’d much rather see an original over a

12. What is your favourite genre of movies?

I don’t have one.

13. Who have you enjoyed working with the

Edward Norton

14. What were some of your favourite TV shows growing

Honestly…Jem, Salute Your Shorts, Unsolved Mysteries,
Quantum Leap, Daria, SNL

15. What your view on realty TV? Good Or Bad?

Lame. Really lame.

16. What have you got lined up next?

I’m going to be on “Malcolm in the Middle” and I’m working
on writing/directing my own project. It’s sort of a really
twisted version of Alice in Wonderland.

17. What’s in your stereo at the moment?

Black Cat Music. They’re a kick-ass indie band from
Oakland. Check ’em out!

18. What are some of your favourite music

Black Cat Music, Pixies, Murder City Devils, The Atomiks,
Bjork, BHP, DJ Shadow, Ottis Redding, Zap Mama, Portishead,
Iggy Pop, Beck, Radiohead, Modest Mouse, Jawbreaker, old
Metallica, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Jimi Hendrix,
Rolling Stones, Led Zepplin, Joni Mitchell………..

19. What do you enjoy doing when not acting?

Hearing live music, dancing, hiking, eating out (I love
food!), travel

20. When will we see Forgiving the Franklins come

This next year

Thanks for your time any last words

it’s really cool that you have this e-zine letting people
know about all that is not mainstream. I’d love to be on
your list. Thanks for the interview!

Thanks To Aviva Farber for doing the interview. She
rocks and will go far




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