• March 5, 2025


Aviva Interview




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Interview With Aviva By Chris 18/3/07

Aviva is an amazing young talented actor .

She is one of most coolest,nicest,down to earth,awesome people I know .

Some one who is working hard to get the roles she is getting.

She has got an awesome role in a comedy movie called

Superbad which is coming out this year

Plus roles in Cold Case.

She got the talent and you will be seeing more.

She is an amazing friend and some who was worthy of another interview

Their will be plenty more to come.

Her IMDB Page

The First Interview with her

1. What have you been up too since the last interview?

Filmed a movie called “Super Bad”. It should be out in August. It’s the same guys who did “40 Year Old Virgin”. They have another film coming out in June called “Knocked Up”. I played a 1940’s Hollywood starlet in a Christina Aguilera Music Video. I just finished filming a guest-star on the CBS show “COLD CASE”. I did a play reading called “A Dream in Time” at The Falcon Theater. I also just worked with an incredible photographer named Brian Woodwick. We’ve been working together for ten years. We shot out at Joshua Tree last week. I think he has a website you can find if you google “woodeye photography”. I’ll send you some pictures when I get them. I think that’s about it…

2. How did you get the role in the movie Super Bad ?

I auditioned for it 4x! They kept bringing me in for different roles. Finally, when I read for the role of Nicola I made a “bold” choice and went in the office with really low pants and my thong showing…she’s supposed to be kinda slutty. I remember the girls who did that I my school. I guess it worked ’cause I got the part!

3. What was it like playing the character Nicola?

Was it fun and exciting working on the movie? It was really fun. The whole cast was freakin’ hilarious so I pretty much got paid to laugh my ass off.

4. How did you get the part on Cold Case?

Auditioned…I knew it the minute I read the script. It airs April 1st on CBS

5. Was it fun and exciting to play that part?

Absolutely. I like playing dark twisted characters who seem innocent at first.

6. What was it like working on that show?

The cast and crew were such professionals. I knew I was playing in the big leagues.

7. What do you do to prepare for a role?

I try to put myself in the situation. How would I react in each moment? Free of judgment.

8. Any techniques you use to remember lines?

Uhhhh….write them out, say them a bunch- before bed, on the treadmill, in traffic

9. What have you got lined up next?

I’m really trying to get on “Veronica Mars”. I love the show and I think they need a redhead.

10. What’s in your stereo at the moment?

Beck, Peanut Butter Wolf, Murder City Devils, Cold War Kids, Silver Sun Pickups(from my hood

11. What have you seen recently that you have really enjoyed?

No time…I’ll have to get back to you on that

12. What is a normal day for an actor?

Well, today I filmed a short with some friends from 7am-3pm, took a nap, worked out, rehearsed for 3 hours in a theater for my acting class, watched SNL, and here I am on the computer. Not as glamorous as it seems, eh?

13. Would you ever like write and direct a film?

Yes, I’d love to. It’s all part of my master plan, right before I win my 3rd Oscar 🙂

14.What is the short film you are doing next and what’s the play reading you are doing?

Today we filmed a short called “Check Please” about 3 actresses who are waitresses to pay the bills. I play an idealistic girl from the Midwest who isn’t as jaded as her two co-workers. Pretty quick they introduce me to the real world. I just did a play reading called “A Dream in Time” at The Falcon Theatre. It was a pleasure working with such pros as Richard Benjamin, Ed Asner, Lanie Kazan, and Paula Prentiss.

Thanks For Your Time Any Last Words

You Rock, My Aussie Pal!!!




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