• March 31, 2025


Ashley Statfeld Interview


Ashley Statfeld

Ashley Statfeld

Pictures copyright respected owners

Interview With Ashley Statfeld By Chris 10/9/06
Ashley Statfeld is an up and coming singer songwriter in
She is a singer songewriter who will no doubt be signed any
time soon.
So I figured she was worth giving publicity for
Her music is really good and so worth a listen.
You will be seeing and hearing more about her Mark My


1.How did you get into music?

My father is a musician and brought the family to live jazz
concerts held outside on open lawns. Plus, my folks
introduced piano lessons to me at age 6.

2. Who were your idols growing up?

I never fell in love with big voices like Barbara Streisand
and Celine Dion, though I do appreciate the talent. My
folks knew very little about folk music like Bob Dylan,
Johnny Cash and Joni Mitchell, so it took a while until I
stumbled upon the genre myself.

3. Who were your influences?

In high school, I was very much inspired by Jack Johnson
and Guster. They were the first to introduce that organic
sound not showcased on pop radio stations.

4. Are you happy with the responses from the

Responses have been very encouraging. Hearing others
confess to playing my music when in need of a smile is the
most rewarding byproduct of songwriting.

5. What have responses been like to your music on the

Having fans from across the world, let alone America, be
excited about my music is very cool.

6. Has the Internet helped with your music?

The Internet is a tremendous media tool in terms of
spreading the word to strangers. However, television and
radio are still the most powerful.

7. Do you think tools like MySpace are useful?

Yes but only to an extent. Many musicians use MySpace to
share their music with fans, but it’s difficult to
“compete” and maintain the interest of the fan
when they are overloaded with requests.

8. Who you would most like to tour with?

My dream is to share the stage with Jack Johnson and/or Ben
Harper. I would like to open for Matt Costa, Mason Jennings
and/or Ray LaMontagne.

9. If you could work with any one who would it

The folks listed above for sure!

10. How did you get involved with the V05 Red Hot Rising
Stars Competition?

I brought together other School of Music students to
arrange my music with the intent of putting together an EP.
I had positive responses to my song Walk on By. I submitted
it to the V05 contest, considering the winner records a
demo to present to a record executive. To my surprise, I
received a phone call informing me that I was among the Top

11. Have you had much response from radio?

I have been contacted by several surf radio stations but am
waiting for professional recordings before putting my music
out there.

12. What has been your favorite gig to date?

I performed in front of 1000 students and residents of Ann
Arbor at Relay For Life. The charity event was held
outside, where I enjoy playing most.

13. What’s it like being a singer/songwriter in

I grew up in South Florida, where feel-good music was very
popular. My sound would be very different had I not been
exposed to the genre as a kid.

14. Have you had much response from labels since the
release of the album?

I was contacted by Foundations/Universal Records and was
given the opportunity to record with Dispatch producer Jack
Gauthier. I have yet to receive further interest from Major
labels until I can build a following.

15. What is on your stereo at the moment?

Songs We Sing by Matt Costa, Curious George by Jack Johnson
and Friends and Both Sides Of The Gun by Ben Harper.

16. What are some of your favorite musical

Listed above.

17. Any plans to tour the country?

Yes but after I graduate.

18  Who have you has helped you out the

No one in particular, but the support from family helps
lighten the load of doing all the dreaming yourself.

19. What inspires you when writing music?

People inspire me.

20. How did the recording process go for the

Studio sessions are great because everyone is concerned
only with the music. I can write, arrange and record music
all day every day.

Thanks for your time any last words

Thank you for your interest and support in my music!


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