• March 4, 2025


Antoinette Byron Interview

Bader Howar Photography


Antoinette Byron


Pictures Copyright Respected Holders

Interview With Antoinette Byron By Chris

Antoinette Byron is one great Australian Actress.
She is also one of my favs.
She has been in many great shows like Home And Away,Melrose
And she worked with Bruce Campbell. So here is the

1.What made you want to be an actress?

As a child I used to play ‘dress up’ and write
little plays and have my friends and I perform in

2.Who were your idols growing up?

My idols growing up were Susan Sarandon, Glenn Close and
Meryl Streep.

3.What has been your favourite role to play so

I enjoyed all my roles but the one I enjoyed the most was
playing Janet in “The Rocky Horror Show”. I
loved doing live theatre and singing and dancing on

4. What was it liked working with Bruce Campbell on Man
with the Screaming Brain?

Bruce Campbell is a Sci Fi legend and more importantly a
terrific guy who was great to work with and a lot of fun.
He had us all laughing between “takes”.
He’s also an insightful director and very caring
about his actors.

5. If you could work with any body who would it

I would love to work with Johnny Depp – he’s
truly an actor’s actor. As far as directors are
concerned I would love to work with Cameron Crowe and Sam
Raimi among many others.

6. Who are your favourite actresses and

a) Julia Roberts, Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Jason Leigh,
Naomi Watts

b) Nicholas Cage, Russel Crowe, Jaimie Foxx, Sean

7. What are some of your favourite movies?

“The Cooler”, “Edward
Scissorhands”, “Good Fellas”,

8. What movies you have seen lately you have really

“Lord of the Rings”, “Spiderman
II”, “Frida”, “Mystic

9. What are some of your favourite musical

“Black Eyed Peas”, “Bon Jovi”,
“Prince”, “Usher”, “Gwen
Stefani”, “Missy Elliot”, “Alicia

10. What would we find on Antoinette Byron stereo at the


11. What are your thoughts on studio remaking movies and
if you could what would you remake?

My general thoughts about remakes are: “Not to mess
with perfection – it’s better to come up with
something fresh”.

12. What are your favourite genre of movies?

Film Noir eg. “The Last Seduction”

13. Who have you enjoyed working with the

I really enjoyed working with Bruce Campbell on “Man
with the Screaming Brain” and it was a wonderful
experience living and working in Sofia, Bulgaria for the

14. What were some of your favourite tv shows growing

“The Sullivan’s, “Hey hey it’s
Saturday”, and comedy re-runs like “I Love
Lucy”, “Get Smart” and I loved “The
Forsyte Saga”.

15. What have you got lined up next?

I have a few things in the pipeline. I’m scheduled to
do another Sci-fi movie early in 2005. I’m also
co-writing a project with a music industry friend.

Thanks to Antoinette for doing the interview and to her
agent for setting it up


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