The talented Gemma Kaye has organized this and if you live in Sydney and if your in the entertainment biz, you should go to this.
From “Actor Agony” to A-list: Emotional Health for Artists
The recent tragedies of Robin Williams and Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s deaths make us all aware that even highly successful artists need good strategies for emotional health.
- Why do artists have more emotional ups and downs than “normal” people?
- What is good emotional health? And how can I strengthen mine?
- How can I balance my emotions and still do deep emotional work?
- How can I reduce procrastination and get in powerful consistent action in my career?
7pm – 8.30pm, Tues 26th Aug
@ ACP, Oxford St, Paddington (
(NB: Catch buses 333, 380, 378 or 352 to Paddington Town Hall. ACP is 3min walk from there.)
Event is free but registration is essential as places are limited. Click the link below to reserve your seat.