• March 10, 2025


Broken Splendour Interview


Broken Splendour

Broken Splendour are Melbourne band who are doing good things on the scene here. Liked what I heard, so an interview was a must and go to their EP launch on Saturday, November 10, 2012 @ The Grace Darling.


1. How did the band form?

I was looking for some newness and stumbled upon Damien at a wine bar I worked and Adam happened to be in the same mix of people.  I was lucky they’re both great.

2. What was the inspiration for the EP?

Actually these songs just came together at around the same time.  I didn’t deliberately set out to run a theme but the songs do fit nicely together.

3. Why chose the grace darling to launch the EP?

I think upstairs has a cool vibe.  Saw a launch there a while back and perfect sized room.

4. What is the Love Will Wait single about?

Well I had the song finished a year or so ago and then a friend went thru the most incredible break-up and I rewrote the entire song.  Very difficult to watch.  Hopefully not as difficult to hear.

6. Who have you enjoyed playing with recently?

We just supported Big Winter on their launch at the Evelyn which was a great night.

7. Why go to America and tour?

I try to come home once a year and when I do I set up some shows.  I’d really like to spend a couple months and do the big road trip with gigs in the small towns but couldn’t swing it this year.

8.  How does social networking help the band?

There’s no denying the instant factor.  I don’t personally use them too much but for gigs, news, etc it’s pretty effective.

9. If you could work with any one who would it be?

Jeff Tweedy

10. If you could have anybody in a video clip who would it be?

Monica Belluchi


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