• March 10, 2025


Groves Interview



All right one of my favourite discoveries of 2016 was Groves and when I heard their first song Ender which the bands say when they heard intro words to the song they knew they were on to something. They are the only band I was that totally into that made me download itunes so I could be able to get the tune. They have been friends forever as they grew up in a small Texas town and moved out to LA and had been playing in various bands but got together to form Groves. Which is one that has taken them places. The band name came from the town they grew up in Texas which is called Groves.

The in house sound engineer for MDDN (Benji & Joel Madden management company) Courtney Ballard heard them play he wanted them to come down to record with them. After two weeks of asking them they finally did. When Benji & Joel heard them, he signed them up straight away.

When it comes to them and how a song starts it could be any thing, it could be a guitar part and someone does something that the band digs and it leads into something. The songs are real collaborative effort for the band. When it comes to the lyrics it could be one word that makes sense and that could be the inspiration for the song.

So the band has supported Culture Club and thanks to good luck, perfect timing and their Management company a day later they were on the road to support Culture Club which they totally loved. Their favourite gigs have been playing to 30,000 people when the times for the show were wrong when supporting Culture Club. In addition a little show that was sold out that had more than 300 people and the vibe in the room was insane.

They think social media is important and they think streaming services are important but they get why older bands disagree on streaming services. One of my stock standard questions I always ask is who would they have in a video clip and like always its Jack Black.

Groves are seriously a band worth checking out. I am so very much looking forward to checking out their debut EP Not For Nothing which comes out on the 17/02/2017. They could be one of your new favourite bands. They are certainly one of mine.





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