• January 3, 2025


Heather Longstaffe


Heather Longstaffe

Heather Longstaffe is a talented singer songwriter, who doesn’t not only write for herself, she writes for others. She incredibly gifted with a great voice and loads of talent. This talented Canadian singer songwriter is going to set the world on fire with her music. So read on.

1. What have you been up to recently since we chattered?
Writing, shows, made some videos, travelling, dyed my hair back to blonde!!
2. What are you working on at the moment?
I’ve been combing through songs trying to narrow down which of my song babies Id like to release. I’m also writing with a few really talented up and coming artists.
3. How does a song come to you in the writing process?
wow it is different all the time.  I tell people there’s a creative portal that just opens up (often around 2am) and I become a mad scientist.  I feel like a lot of my best ideas pop into my head from what feels like nowhere..other times I’m inspired by a line in a book, a movie, twitter.  I am actually often inspired by twitter, you would be surprised.  Normally if the idea is good, the melody will just flow out of me naturally, and a jibberish lyric will come out that I’ll sort out as I go.  I also get inspired by a good beat, sometimes it just starts with me clapping and stomping my feet.
4. What do you get out of performing live?
Everything.  Its like my universe is in balance.  it is the one time where there are no thoughts running through my head of where else I should or could be.
5. What has been your favorite show to date?
Such a hard question.  Anytime somebody comes up to me after the show and tells me a song I sang touched them, or that they have followed me online for awhile and finally got to see me live, those are really special moments for me!!
6. What have you listened to recently that has inspired you?
Great question!  Im really digging Kacey Musgraves’ lyrical approach, its refreshing and real.  I try to be real.
7. What would we find you listening to on your ipod or stereo?
Tons of 90s music.
8. What advice could you give to some one wanting to make a career in music?
Find your truth, nobody can be a better you than you.
Do not compare where you’re at to where other people are at, compare yourself to where you were.
9. Who have you enjoyed writing with recently?
I write with my best friends on a daily basis!  I love them all!  I’ve had a lot of fun working on a project for Jordan Mcintosh lately..his album is going to blow. your. mind.

10. What your view on streaming services such as spotify and the like?
I dont support stealing music, it makes it really hard for us to buy groceries.  I have given away songs for free, I just feel there is a difference between being given and stealing.
Of all the services I personally use Spotify because I like the system and they DO pay out.  They should pay out MORE…but what can I say.. baby steps
11. What does 2013 mean to you?
I made a resolution to stop “worrying” about things that are out of my control.. so I’m working on that.  I’m also setting things in motion that ive put off for too long.
12. What do you to unwind?
hiking on a beautiful day is one of my favorite things.  I can get really into a book if its good.  Also, I recently got a Super Nintendo…

13. What do you do to keep yourself looking so amazing always?
Make sure I always have make up on when I take pictures!!!
14. What is next for yourself?
 I have SO much new music I want to share, I’m currently working out the best method to do so.  But i’m telling you…its coming.


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