• January 3, 2025


We All Want To Interview


We All Want To


We All Want To are an exciting Brisbane doing good things. I dig what they are doing and Tim Steward from the band I answers my questions. So read on and find out why I think they are great.


1. What is the new album about?
The album is a journal of the feelings of mainly the two songwriters in the band, Tim and Skye. Feelings about what it’s like to grow up in a changing world, to be well entrenched in adulthood yet still feel adrift in a sea of chaos and constant change. Also feelings about our own personal issues as we assess our present, our past, our future. I think the adult world these days is so radically different than what we observed as kids that it’s unchartered territory. Also some fun, meaningless pop songs with good words which rhyme well.

2. How was the recording process different to previous albums?
Not much, except that we tried to do it all in one intense block. This was awesome because it brought out the best in everyone and strengthened the bond between us in terms of trust, reliability and friendship, in music and otherwise.

3. What inspires you now when writing music?
I get ideas in my head, like every songwriter.. “it’d be cool to write a song about missing someone who’s dead” or “I’d like to write a song about a fictional couple throwing caution to the wind”. Other times I get one line and I have to write a song around it. These end up being the most abstract songs by far.. “I ran off the path into the trees, I scared myself a bit”. Sometimes I’m lucky enough to get song titles in my head and the song more or less writes itself after that.. “Already Too Late” “Ramp up the Bleeding” “Now I don’t feel so bad” etc. Other times I get a melody that’s so strong it needs words in a certain strict rhythm, so sometimes you have to compromise the depth of the lyrics somewhat to make it fit.

4. What has been your favorite show to date?
I can’t remember, I’ve played too many gigs. But it doesn’t matter about the size of the venue or the audience.. I played a solo show to 40 people recently and it was one of the funnest gigs I can remember. I think it’s more about attitude and confidence.

5. What has been the craziest on tour experience?
Oh man, touring overseas – to use a very “blanket” term. Everything is crazy and you’re running on pure adrenalin, no sleep, and LUCK. Panicking at American customs, carrying gear on public transport in London and Japan, sleeping exclusively on sofas in America.  A million crazy things you have to deal with all day long, hurdle after hurdle. But somehow the band usually pulls together and plays great shows every night.

6. Who would you most like to tour with?
I reckon The Hold Steady would be pretty awesome. They’re good guys, and every night would be a treat, musically and fun wise.

7. What your opinion on streaming music services such as Spotify?
They’re ok I guess, but in the end it cheapens music still further, it reduces its value. It makes become like the trashy magazines you read in the checkout at supermarkets. Imagine if all books were free, immediately bookshops would all be closed, no authors would get paid to write.. it’s gonna have really negative flow-on effects. I’m not being all nostalgic but the experience of buying a record or cd is worth something, it means you invest more into listening to that music as well, you give it some real attention, and your bond with “music” as a concept is stronger.

8. What advice could you give to some one wanting a career in music?
Buy a rice cooker. Look up some really good chick pea recipes; chick peas are as cheap as shit. Go to BYO venues, Grow your own veggies. Learn to shoplift. Buy a bike. And be a good friend to others, you’re gonna need them to be a good friend to you.

9. What can people expect from your tour?
We’re gonna give, give, give, and then we’re gonna give some more. If we can’t give you something to remember us by why would we even bother going on tour.

10. What does 2013 mean for you?
It means I still struggle not writing the date as 2012, dammit! It means I have been playing music for 26 years (omg!). It means that the world is more horrible and sad and dirty and petty and money-grabbing than it has ever been, but it’s filled with more and more great and wonderful amazing people who want to push for change and improvement, and make it a better place to be alive in. Hallelujah!


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