Emma Russack
Photograph by Stephanie Bailly
Emma Russack is an extremely talented Australian singer songwriter who’s album Sounds of Our City has been a critical hit with fans and media and even being nominated for amp award. She kindly answers my questions so read on and thanks to Aaron from Spunk for setting this up.
1. Are you happy how people have responded to your album?
Yes. I feel it is quite a personal, even slightly self absorbed, album. So it’s nice to know people have connected with it
2. Are you happy to have your album nominated for an award?
Of course! That kind of recognition is always a lovely surprise – and an honour.
3. What inspires you when writing music?
The people I’m hanging out with at the time – mainly men. Also, the music I’m listening to – that is a huge inspiration.
4. Are you surprised how things have gone for you so far?
Yes and no. I mean, I feel very lucky to have the support from my label and from the people who buy my records, but I’ve also been at it for a while – I’ve been releasing my own music since I was 15.
5.How does social networking help you?
I certainly doesn’t do much for my mental health! – always feeling as though you should have more ‘likes’ or this and that. But it is good in the sense that I can let people know what I’m up to; where I’m playing; I can answer questions etc. That helps. But I would prefer to just have my website.
6. What is your favorite venue to play at in Australia?
The lovely theatre in Castlemaine (VIC) is special. I even love the Heritage Hotel in Bulli – or is it in Thirroul (NSW)? (Editor Note: It’s in Bulli)
7.Who have you enjoying playing with?
Bonnie Prince Billy!! But also New Estate and Harry Howard.
8. If you put the ultimate festival together who would be on the bill?
Van Morrison, Kirin J Callinan, Crayon Fields, Lounge Lizards, N.E.R.D, Sophia Knapp, Yoko Ono.
9. If you do a duet with anybody who would it be?
Erlend Øye
10. What would be find on your stereo at the moment?
Van Morrison, Sophia Knapp, Sean Nicholas Savage, Jessica Says
11. What does it mean to connect with your fans?
A lot! I want them to all come to my house and have a party to thank them for buying my album and coming to my shows… That’s connecting, baby
12. What does 2013 mean for you?
Maybe Europe again, second album release and playing with more wonderful artists.